A legacy gift can take many forms and can be of great benefit in helping fulfill your personal financial objectives. We hope that you will give prayerful consideration to helping us shape the parish that our children, grandchildren, and future generations will experience.
Gift from a Will or Living Trust: A gift from a will or living trust are two of the most common ways to create a legacy gift for the benefit of the parish. A bequest may include cash, specific property, or a share of the estate.
Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Assets: Donating stocks, bonds, or mutual funds directly to St. Pius X Catholic Church can significantly increase your tax deduction and the amount of income our parish receives.
Gifts from your Retirement Plan: Gifts of retirement assets are another simple way to leave a gift by naming St. Pius X Catholic Church as beneficiary of a percentage or the full amount of your Individual Retirement Account, 401k or other qualified retirement plan.
Gifts of Life Insurance: There are many ways in which life insurance policies can be used to make a contribution, all of which provide tax deductions and the opportunity to make a more substantial gift than otherwise possible. It is easy to name St. Pius X Catholic Church as the beneficiary of a policy or transfer ownership of a paid-up policy to our parish.
Gifts of Real Estate: St. Pius X Catholic Church may be named as beneficiary or co-beneficiary to almost any type of personal property or real estate.
Mr. Ralph Joseph Labbadio, Jr. had a love for our parish. He was retired Navy with 25 years of service, he had no next of kin and named Saint Pius X Church as a beneficiary in his Will. We used a portion of the legacy gift to provide him with a proper Catholic funeral. We are grateful for Mr. Labbadio’s legacy gift to the parish. It is a testament of his faith as a Catholic.
Members of the Lumen Christi Legacy Society are fulfilling our call to walk in the Light of Christ and create a legacy that lights the future.
St. Pius X Parish honors individuals and families who are transforming the work and witness of the Church through their generosity. If you have already included our parish in your estate plan, we would like to enroll you as our newest Lumen Christi Legacy Society member.
The Lumen Christi Legacy Society was established to recognize and thank supporters who have named St. Pius X Church in their estate plans. Members of the Lumen Christi Legacy Society are led by their faith and values to preserve our Catholic heritage and ensure everlasting giving for the future.
Lumen Christi means Light of Christ, which is the light in all things, which gives life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed. This power is an influence for good in the lives of all people, and members of the Lumen Christi Legacy Society share in this purpose.
Membership in the Lumen Christi Legacy Society is simple. Complete the Intention Form.
For more info and downloadable resources:
For more information on how you can make a difference or if you need help in setting this up, contact Vy Barto, Director of Stewardship in the parish office at 757-583-0291